Hybridity in My Life
As a baby who grew up in what people call the Information Era, and the fact that we have hit a high point in technology use, it is extremely hard to ignore the fact that almost everyone who lives in urban atmospheres are affected by hybridity. In today's high speed world, seconds seems like minutes, minutes seem like hours and so forth. Since everything is a hybrid, we expect things to be faster and everything is on demand. This is what I observe practically every day of my life thus far, everyone's in a rush. And especially on our New York trip, people seemed like they were being fast forwarded at times. Because of this new 'culture' of life, it just seems normal now. We may not know it, but when you come to think of what exactly you use on a regular basis everyday, more than half (or in my case anyways) of the items used are hybrid technology. The main items I deal with everyday that are hybrid would be: mp3 alarm clock, computer, Nintendo DS, PSP, stereo (with cd player, radio, and tape capabilities),MP3 cellphone,ipod and the list could go on, for maybe just a few more items but I think the point gets across. However, this isn't a bashing of why people had to invent hybrid products because I believe it is a great idea. It makes life much easier at times even if you don't realize. Can you imagine if you didn't have a computer? It is potentially one of the most revolutionary and integrated object in developed countries. But some of the third world countries havn't even seen computers, potentially writing on leaves and sand, while we are typing. Developed countries are highly influenced by modern technology and hybridity that sometimes we need to just take a breather and chill. Just feel the moment and forget about the fast paced world and reflect.