Are Wii the Children of the Revolution?
We’ve all seen the past generation of gaming as we grew up, where Super Nintendo revolutionized gaming and Nintendo 64 brought the world into true 3d gaming. But now, the next generation of gaming begins, with Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii and the early launch about a year and a half ago of the Xbox 360. Throughout the generations of gaming, people have slowly started to come out and say, games are getting boring, and there’s no ‘new’ ways to increase fun. They have only been beefing up the graphics and raw power of the systems with better computer A.I. and environments. But this year, Nintendo took the challenge and introduced motion sensing, an innovative way to control characters and objects within the game. They chose fun and innovation over raw power, graphics and multimedia which the Playstation 3 and xbox 360 focused on. And because of this, the mass media bought into the hype of innovation. Recently, in only 4 months of time, the Nintendo Wii has sold 60% of what the Xbox 360 has sold in 16 months. (5.73 million vs 9.55 million.) How long will it take for Nintendo to take over? Microsoft was smart by giving themselves a head start, but statistics show they won’t last, but this isn’t to say they aren’t successful, perhaps not as successful as the Wii. And since the Wii set out to be fun and nothing but fun, I think they definitely achieved their goal. They went way past the normal targets of gamers. They essentially created a system that gathered all new types of people. I could ask my mom who has no clue of what Xbox or Sony Playstation is but she said she wanted to try the Wii. This is more than enough to prove that the Wii is a revolution, given they keep pumping games that utilize their innovative hardware. And at a much more affordable price compared to its competitors, what’s not to like? I’m glad Nintendo learned from their old system, the Gamecube which was a complete failure. Most people doubted Nintendo had finally come to an end in game consoles after the Gamecube but they put the self right back to the top this time. So much so that Sony came up with an “all-new controller that features tilt sensing”. I wonder where they got that idea from…
Power and eye candy OR innovation and fun. It’s up to you.
Skimming through I felt the need to mention the fact that there's one reason to blame for games losing their allure. Simply put it's the internet. It wasn't that easy to go online and hit up GameFAQs to pick up a strategy to find out how to beat World 7-2 in Super Mario Bros. 3. You worked for it and felt accomplished after. Now we have strategy guides, game save transferring, message boards/forums and it's become far too easy to beat a "50 hour game" in less than 10.
On the reverse, video game companies are suffering from the lack of secrecy behind their titles. Back in the day when you found out you could play Reptile in Mortal Kombat 1 on the Genesis it was because you found it out to yourself. Sometimes we carry too high expectations. Let's face it companies can't build a Story Mode that lasts longer than 10 hours. Which is why you see game like The Sims or more recently on the way, Spore. Open-ended games, the video game version of Reality TV.
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